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Monte Stevens | all galleries >> Almost Photo-a-Day >> yearly_archives >> 2005_pad_gallery >> october_2005 > 10-04-05.jpg
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I awoke early to cloudy skies and 42 degrees. We are moving right along into winter. After quiet time at home I ventured off in search a photograph-a-day. I stopped at a local golf course to look for benches. Found this one looking out across the empty course. I imagine this bench has a lot of use on sunny and warmer days but in this image it seems to bring a feeling loneliness and asking the question, “Where is everyone?”

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Scott 07-Oct-2005 01:09
'I awoke early to cloudy skies and 42 degrees'
Is that a heat wave or cold weather? It was 30 degrees here in Toronto which is around 85 american.
Great shot of the bench. Might be an idea to do a bench gallery. hmmmm.....
Coleen Perilloux Landry04-Oct-2005 15:21
I think it is enjoying the view of peace and quiet. Lovely composition and pretty bench.
Herb 04-Oct-2005 15:00
Nice shot
Olaf Herrig04-Oct-2005 14:48
A very nice composition, a quiet place in wonderful landscape.
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