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Colorado Wildlife

Young Rocky Mountain Sheep - Mount Evans Young Mountain Goats - Mt Evans Bald Eagle and Crow Coyote and Magpie Osprey with Lunch
Bald Eagle White Pelicans Mule Deer at Barr-Lake Bull Elk - Rocky Mountain NP Red Fox
Bald-Eagle Captive-Bison Deer---RMNP Deer-in-RMNP Heron-Roost
Heron Moose---RMNP Mountain Goats-MT.-Evans National-Pride RMNP-Coyote
Red-Tail-Hawk Turkey-Vulture White-Pelican-in-trees.jpg White-Pelicans---Barr-Lake.jpg Bald Eagle - National Pride
Ready to Fly Badger - RMNP Coyote Pair RMNP Badger Lone Coyote RMNP
5320 Spotted Towhee Goldfinch Lesser Goldfinch Mountain Bluebird
Mountain Bluebird Violet-Green Swallow Violet-Green Swallow Red-naped Sapsucker Bighorn-Sheep
Bighorn Sheep Group Young Mount ain Goats - Mt. Evans g3/77/648677/3/96478821.XzB0cELG.jpg