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Semenggoh Orang Utan Rehabilitation Centre

Our first wild orang utan
Our first wild orang utan
It's a female and baby
It's a female and baby
She is really semi-wild...
She is really semi-wild... she has been around the centre for a few years she has been around the centre for a few years
Her name is Delima
Her name is Delima
The little baby is Selina
The little baby is Selina
Orang utan means man of the forest
Orang utan means man of the forest
They are only found on the islands of Borneo & Sumatra
They are only found on the islands of Borneo & Sumatra
Here's another
Here's another
Picking out some fruit
Picking out some fruit
Yum yum
Yum yum
Hanging on
Hanging on
Here's Delima again
Here's Delima again
She's so photogenic
She's so photogenic
As is Selina
As is Selina
The little one is always hanging on
The little one is always hanging on
She's had enough food now
She's had enough food now
Special feeding table in the forest
Special feeding table in the forest
Orang utan silhouette
Orang utan silhouette
A type of gibbon (we think)
A type of gibbon (we think)
It's certainly an ape, not a monkey
It's certainly an ape, not a monkey
Cute face
Cute face
Having fun
Having fun
Gibbon & macaque
Gibbon & macaque
Eating again
Eating again
Running across the roof
Running across the roof
Just hanging around
Just hanging around
Up to mischief
Up to mischief
Scary macaque
Scary macaque
What are you looking at?
What are you looking at?
Estuarine crocodile (saltie)
Estuarine crocodile (saltie)
Wonderful red colour
Wonderful red colour