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Raymond | all galleries >> Galleries >> DANS LE SILENCE DES FLEURS 2021 >
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KAI-WING LEUNG29-Sep-2021 07:08
Stunning image! V
Cathy Adams28-Sep-2021 21:37
Beautiful rich colours!!!!!! V
Apostolos Tikopoulos28-Sep-2021 18:36
Amazing details and clarity. V
Nestor Derkach28-Sep-2021 15:46
A very nice grouping and excellent in detail .
A very fragrant Lily one of my favorites in
the garden.
Nice performing lens of course the human
settings make the image
Neil Marcus28-Sep-2021 14:52
This is fine photography in its genre, Raymond "VVV"
danad28-Sep-2021 14:37
Gorgeous colors and great sharp details !
Helen Betts28-Sep-2021 14:01
Love the luminous color in this beautiful capture.
Isabel Cutler28-Sep-2021 11:59
Stunnng! Beautiful composition! V.
joseantonio28-Sep-2021 10:57
those colors look so lovely.V.
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