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Mattias Backström | all galleries >> People >> Just me > Ego
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11-AUG-2004 MisterMattias


Malmoe recycling station

I tried to hide the remote control and look natural. But I failed. Better luck next time.

Canon PowerShot G5
1/160s f/4.0 at 28.8mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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william mahan05-Jan-2008 01:31

Neat idea...I could "never tire" seeing are "on top of the heap" in self portraiture !!
JazzyJess01-Jun-2005 06:55
wow very fun !! I love this gallery, you seem like a cool and fun boy !
Guest 20-Mar-2005 19:26
Hehe, den här var också rolig. Herre på täppan...över en återviningsstation hehe.
Snapping Turtle08-Jan-2005 05:40
"I am the king of the world!!!!!" A position you won't "tire"
Guest 26-Aug-2004 19:55
What fun! You were feeling real great on top of the waste tires, weren't you?:)