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11-AUG-2004 MisterMattias

Malmoe recycling station

Canon PowerShot G5
1/1250s f/4.0 at 12.7mm full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Wendy O06-Jul-2007 15:40
Love this! Great the way the swooping clowds mimic the swooping junk.
Snapping Turtle08-Jan-2005 05:34
Someone who is afraid of rollarcosters probably would get this image.
Guest 03-Nov-2004 23:57
I had the same thought as Matias - it looks like a particularly evil rollercoaster.
Guest 26-Aug-2004 19:54
Yes, cool! I like the colors!
Guest 12-Aug-2004 17:28
Cool! Looks like a rollercaster. I wonder how long are those pieces.