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Dan Bush | all galleries >> Galleries >> Artistic Conversions > Autumn Yellows
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17-NOV-2007 Dan Bush

Autumn Yellows

Albany, Missouri

Nikon D70 ,Nikkor 50mm f/1.8D AF
1/40s f/6.3 at 50.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Carl Carbone26-Nov-2010 20:04
Great job! Nice image. V
Bernard Bosmans19-Jan-2009 02:45
You certainly were successful with this converted image, wonderful!! V.
pr_rajan08-Sep-2008 01:28 beautiful!
Guest 08-Sep-2008 01:27
Outstanding shot. I like it. Dan, congratulations. Big Vote
Bari27-May-2008 18:46
Very nice work - love the brush strokes and light!
Sandi Whitteker29-Jan-2008 02:20
Super treatment Dan. Very arty and stunning.
mart senior26-Jan-2008 15:22
love what youve done with this pic looks very nice,
Paul Chan09-Dec-2007 13:58
Nice treatment.