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Dan Bush | all galleries >> Galleries >> Portfolio > Moon & Venus
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04-DEC-2005 Dan Bush

Moon & Venus

Albany, Missouri

other sizes: small medium original auto
DeNeshia 04-May-2008 22:08
That is beautiful dan. Thanks i really needed it
Sharon Johnson 22-Mar-2006 18:12
These photos help you to understand why anyone would want to live in Missouri with all of it's tornadoes! He is fantastic! Correction, better than fantasti! He is a magnificent photograper!
Kissmequikly 09-Dec-2005 22:53
This is absolutely amazing!!!
Dianna Fryer 09-Dec-2005 22:16
I could look at this for hours, beautiful....Thank You.
Jacques Leroux 09-Dec-2005 06:03
Beautiful an original. Wowwww
Dylan Straub 09-Dec-2005 05:49
This picture made APOD(astronomy picture of the day). Great job Dan
Steve Martin05-Dec-2005 01:27
Very, very nice image (and gallery!)!