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Missed Opportunities | all galleries >> Insects >> Dragonflys & Damselflys > TBD Dragonfly or Skimmer
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18-May-2024 Donald E. Casavecchia

TBD Dragonfly or Skimmer

Canaan Valley, West Virginia

Because the weather is suppose to bring in rain by late morning, we drove over to Canaan Valley State Park early this morning and started the ABE Run Boardwalk Trail only to be rained out about halfway through it.
Took this image of - maybe a 12-spot Skimmer (?) from the boardwalk before the heavy rain started.

Nikon Z6-II,NIKKOR Z 70-200mm f/2.8 VR S Z TC-2.0x
1/320s f/6.3 at 600mm iso720
Free Crop of DX Image full exif

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Ton, Ben & Rob Nagtegaal19-May-2024 05:03
Beautiful sharp capture of this dragonfly. V
Tom Munson19-May-2024 04:37
Great capture of this beauty. Sharp.
Jean Chiasson19-May-2024 01:19
Beautiful macro and setting V
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