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06 Nov 1945 Donald E. Casavecchia

Dad's Discharge from the Navy

Boston, Massachusetts

My Dad served in the Navy during WW II. This is a copy of his being awarded a Purple Heart when his Destroyer Escort - USS Fogg (DE-57) was torpedoed by U-870 and he was seriously injured.
Dad was honorably discharged on 06 November 1945.
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Martin Lamoon11-Jul-2014 22:16
Hank Vander Velde10-Jul-2014 02:09
Thanks to your Dad and many others like him, my birth country (The Netherlands) and all of Europe was freed. My thanks go out to your Dad and to all who served the cause of liberation.
Robert Becker10-Jul-2014 01:55
I am forever grateful for his dedication and sacrifice for our freedom.
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