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Missed Opportunities | all galleries >> Galleries >> Nikon 1 V3 DigiScoping > Eastern Bluebird (Female)
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14-May-2014 Donald E. Casavecchia

Eastern Bluebird (Female)

Warrenton, Virginia

Catching 'food' for her clutch of five.
Best viewed in 'original' size.

NIKON 1 V3 on Leica 82mm Spotting Scope
1/13s f/4.2 at 15.3mm iso250
UnCropped but Reduced to 100 ppi for Internet Viewing full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Stephanie13-Nov-2015 02:19
Sweet capture! I agree with you, these are very special birds! 😊
Hank Vander Velde16-May-2014 01:58
Good sharp shot of this Bluebird with lunch Don.
Martin Lamoon15-May-2014 19:38
Excellent capture with your new camera!
Pierre Martin15-May-2014 08:59
very nice catch, nice bg too
Jean D15-May-2014 01:27
Excellent well detailed capture. ~V
Janet Forjan-Freedman15-May-2014 00:52
Great capture of this hardworking Mom.
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