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Mikael Larsen | all galleries >> Galleries >> Misc. > Waves
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Canon EOS 5D
1s f/11.0 at 17.0mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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rousselziak01-Nov-2011 20:38
Fantastic shot and processing ! -V-
bill friedlander12-May-2010 23:29
A striking image of the sea. Wonderful tones and processing. V
Dominique Martin jr11-May-2010 21:17
Well done !!! congrats. V
Thomas12-Jun-2009 19:38
You frozen the waves with your treatment. Excellent!
Ron LaCroix13-Apr-2009 21:02
Excellent treatment.
Dek Grant19-Mar-2009 22:55
lovely image.
Guest 12-Mar-2009 19:40
Great post-processing. V
Milos Markovic12-Feb-2009 23:53
Naret Visesvongsa21-Jun-2008 20:12
Interesting image. Vote.
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