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Michel Duval | all galleries >> Galleries >> Masques et regards - Venise 2014 > Maquillage
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XiaoBernard9920-May-2014 13:32
très gde qualité, permet de bien sentir ce moment.
William Barletta23-Mar-2014 16:21
Superb! ~V~
Stephanie21-Mar-2014 23:19
Wonderful to see the makeup application! V
Ika Zinka Eferl21-Mar-2014 20:43
Beautiful and creative image! V!
Helen Betts21-Mar-2014 18:11
A most unusual and creative capture for Carnival! Excellent work, Michel. V.
Gerard Koehl21-Mar-2014 08:12
Ah oui, superbe travail. V
Blandine Mangin21-Mar-2014 07:54
superbe détail ! v
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