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Dec / 5/ 09 Meta


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Jeff Real19-Feb-2010 01:12
This high contrast makes a fantastic looking image ~V~
Yiannis Pavlis08-Feb-2010 14:46
Creative and effective BW work .
John30-Dec-2009 17:41
They had a lot to discuss and after that they hugged and said goodbye. ~V~
PauloCGama19-Dec-2009 02:59
Creative!! Great work
VV //
an nguyen17-Dec-2009 19:51
Great mood,
cold feet too.
FrankB17-Dec-2009 18:53
LOL! Leave it to you....this is just great......V
Martha Albuquerque17-Dec-2009 18:35
beautiful ~ v
Guest 17-Dec-2009 18:23
oh,spooky....great work meta.v
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