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Daniel Lauzon | all galleries >> Galleries >> Cadillac 1959 car and ambulance,hearse > Lower quarter panel section
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Lower quarter panel section

Pentax PENTAX Optio V10
1/50s f/3.1 at 6.3mm iso320 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
steve 29-Aug-2014 04:15
I need the lower quarter from the wheel to the door for a 59 Cad conv. If it went a little farther towards the back of the car that would be ok too. Passenger side sheet metal. thanks
marco 19-May-2014 19:31
good evening. recently i bought a 59 cadillac coupe deville. now i'm starting the bodywork and i find your website and i need some body panels. does your body panels are ok for my coupe?how can i buy your panels?i need the lower quarter panel from the door to the end.can you make it? how does it cost? i need lh and rh. i need the 4 rear coin to and the convertible panel to fix the convertible top frame?can you make it?regards
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