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Meeli Tamm | profile | all galleries >> Honduras >> Copan Ruins tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Tegucigalpa | Copan Ruins | the town of Copan Ruinas

Copan Ruins

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portrait of macaw
portrait of macaw
portrait of macaw
portrait of macaw
macaw's back!
macaw's back!
Copan Ruins
Copan Ruins
2 statues for $1 !!!
2 statues for $1 !!!
2 statues for $1 !!!
2 statues for $1 !!!
market outside the Copan Ruins gates
market outside the Copan Ruins gates
Copan Ruins
Copan Ruins
Honduran police station
Honduran police station
Meeli in Honduras police station!
Meeli in Honduras police station!
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