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Michael Tauber | all galleries >> Landscapes, Flora & Fruits >> Fruits >> Tutti Frutti > 0000
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March 2012 Michael Tauber


Haifa, Israel

Yashica D ,Yashikkor 80mm F:3.5,Kodak Ektachrome E100 G

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 23-Mar-2012 22:08
Delicious, well done!
ewa toll23-Mar-2012 19:55
very nice shot
an nguyen23-Mar-2012 17:19
Beautiful .
rousselziak22-Mar-2012 07:13
WoW ! Perfect composition, love it ! -V-
Marc Demoulin22-Mar-2012 06:38
Clever! vVv
Tom LeRoy21-Mar-2012 22:52
Excellent fill of the frame shot of these delicious looking black(red)berries!V!
Pete Hemington21-Mar-2012 22:02
Great shot with an obligatory touch of red!
joseantonio21-Mar-2012 19:50
Excellent shot!
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