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Margot W | all galleries >> Misc (7 Galleries) >> Points of view. > our old house today.jpg
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01-NOV-2006 Alexis Hadjisteriou

our old house today.jpg

This picture was taken from a camera attached to a kite. KAP, Kite Arial Photography.
Isn't that amazing!
This house, which I have circled in green, borders the heath and fifty years ago my family and I lived in it for a short time while my father attended a naval course at Greenwich.
My sister took a trip to England this September and photographed our old house at 18 Montpelier Row.
So, I thought I would put in the pbase search 'Blackheath'.
I found an amazing site where a man had just visited the heath a week after my sister and had flown his kite with camera attached.
With such fabulous pictures to look at I was able to pick out our old house.
Had they been there at the same time I might have seen her in his phtograph. ;)
So with the permission of the photographer, Alexis Hadjisteriou, I was able to download some of his images. Thank you Alexis.
I have posted a link via thumbnail below the larger one so you can see the result of his time at Blackheath and beyond.

other sizes: small medium original auto
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joseantonio14-Feb-2011 19:10
Beautiful place to live
Guest 09-Nov-2007 13:06
A beautiful country and an interesting story Margot, so nice of you to share it!! I am amazed that a camera attached to a kite can take a picture...well you learn something everyday!! :)
Alexis Hadjisoteriou07-Nov-2006 12:46
Hi Margot,
Wow what a location to live in. The views must have been amazing. I am so pleased that my aerial photos have given someone so much pleasure. Ironically, the house that I was born and bred is now under occupation (since 1974) by the Turkish army in Famagusta,Cyprus and all I have is aerial photographs which were sent to me anonymously. Our building is the one on the left at
