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"Wish You Were Here" see the lovely NK at Christmas!

(PRIVATE photo, not for sale.
Not to be used commercially in any way.)

see in BIG size

24th November
This is a store in Stockholm that presents pure magic
in the store windows at CHRISTMAS!

Every window displays a magic story,
children and grownups alike, are filled with Christmas spirit
looking at these fantastic delights

When you come to Stockholm, remember to visit NK (see below),
it is special in winter but also for the rest of the year.

I just found out yesterday through my sons beautiful girlfriend
that NK has my favourite cake..cheesecake..
and the best in Stockholm..

So, I have given you a few tips about my wonderful city Stockholm ;)

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jola Dziubinska27-Nov-2009 01:17
Oh, this is fabulous!! Vote.
Guest 26-Nov-2009 03:26
These are store windows?? How beautiful! I'd love to visit Stockholm one day!!
carol j. phipps26-Nov-2009 00:24
Beautiful colors! Sharp contrast!
ac25-Nov-2009 15:48
Yes, Marita, great idea !
Maaike Huizer25-Nov-2009 11:08
Wow, Marita, i wish i was there too. That is a gorgeous display.
Sheila25-Nov-2009 07:06
I would love to be there!
Very nice work.
Doug Cruden25-Nov-2009 06:31
Blimey! Is Christmas coming??? Where's the year gone? Great seasonal shot Marita! Very colourful and full of Christmas cheer
Cindi Smith25-Nov-2009 01:31
So cool!!!!! I love this! Are those frozen blocks of ice out there? That is such a cool place to hang out!
lisamidi24-Nov-2009 20:35
Very nice work, Marita! Great capture of decoration,amazing.
Kathryn24-Nov-2009 17:46
Wish I was.
Marielou Dhumez24-Nov-2009 17:10
Yes, I wish too !
A wonderful place for sure and a great tryptic you made !
LynnH24-Nov-2009 16:46
How fabulous!!! I bet it is a wonderful place! V
Walter Otto Koenig24-Nov-2009 15:52
Great triptych, they really go all out with the decorations and you captured the colors and details beautifully. "V"
Do they sell Nikon gear? ;-)
Barbara Heide24-Nov-2009 15:17
excellent work Marita!!
Mairéad24-Nov-2009 14:43
Looks like a magic display indeed, perfect
for the festive season. V
Stephanie24-Nov-2009 13:33
Hope to visit Stockholm someday. This image is AMAZING! Big V.
borisalex24-Nov-2009 11:46
Ok, then let´s go, we need some elks for the sleigh ride!
Nice work and so beautiful magic image!V.
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