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Mario Bautista | all galleries >> Galleries >> nebulae > NGC 7635 and NGC 7538
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Mario C. B. Bautista, MD

NGC 7635 and NGC 7538

The Bubble Nebula (lower left) or NGC 7635 and NGC 7538 on the upper right in the constellation Cepheus.

Info on NGC 7538:
Info on NGC 7635:

Taken with a Takahashi TOA130NFB @ F/5.7 with TOA Reducer and QSI 583wsg with Astrodon 5nm Halpha filter and Series 2 E Filters.
Image scale of 1.4 arcsec/pixel.
Guided with a SBIG STi on a MiniBorg 50.
AP1200 GTO Mount
Exposure time: Halpha:240 mins with 30 minutes subexposure.LRGB: 150:160:170:170 mins with 900secs subs for Luminance and 600 secs subs for RGB.
Softwares: CCDAutopilot,Sky6 Pro,MaxIM DL,Focusmax, CCDNavigator, CCDStack and Photoshop CS2
Taken on September 11 and 12, 2012 in Jackson, Ohio

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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