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April 2011 Challenge - "CHASSE AU TRESOR"
see this link

Canon PowerShot G10
1/8s f/3.2 at 10.8mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Mairéad10-Apr-2011 20:37
Nice colours in this night shot.
borisalex10-Apr-2011 05:41
Must be for the refugees coming out of Tunesia these days!
Faye White09-Apr-2011 15:12
Well done!
Guest 09-Apr-2011 05:53
Great night shot.
Inga Morozoff09-Apr-2011 02:18
While, silver, yellow, black...I'd say this is a darned good night shot.
Cindi Smith09-Apr-2011 01:59
I love these walkways....make for great photographs. :)
larose forest photos09-Apr-2011 00:18
Good one!! A really terrific night scene too. It seems there is nowhere free of construction projects anymore!
laine08-Apr-2011 23:57
It's everywhere...the never ending urban change
J. Scott Coile08-Apr-2011 21:54
Watch for falling objects ;-)
Karen Stuebing08-Apr-2011 21:52
Beautiful night photo. Love the colors and the glow of the lights.