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Marielou Dhumez | all galleries >> Galleries >> cityscapes > HISTOIRE DE....
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Jola Dziubinska10-Sep-2010 23:02
Nicely seen street scene.
Patricia Kay09-Sep-2010 19:56
Fabulous mono image with excellent details Marielou...BV
Chris09-Sep-2010 19:31
And no people to spoil the view - superb light.
franz09-Sep-2010 19:01
Histoire de...voir
Histoire de... poire
Histoire de... choir
Histoire de...foire
Histoire de...soir
Histoire de...boire
Histoire de...noir
"Bougnat encore un chti blanc!"
J. Scott Coile09-Sep-2010 17:21
Wonderful grey scale. Super range.
LynnH09-Sep-2010 16:39
Wow! Great light and shadow play. Beautiful lines! BV
Fay Stout09-Sep-2010 15:11
Nice B&W showing old and new...
CM Kwan09-Sep-2010 13:32
Amazing tones! V
Stephanie09-Sep-2010 12:27
Wonderful B&W! Love your compo Marielou! :)
Yvonne09-Sep-2010 11:41
A really classy shot Marielou! v
cambraniz09-Sep-2010 11:35
Etonnant contraste de style entre les deux immeubles. Mais c'est un bon mariage. V
Maaike Huizer09-Sep-2010 08:02
This is excellent, Marielou. Fabulous tones, great contrasts in more than one way!!
The restaurant looks great too. Can you reveal its location? Is this in Paris?
Mieke WA Minkjan09-Sep-2010 07:55
like the contrast between the two buildings:
one warm at the other cool!
Sandra Cooper09-Sep-2010 06:35
A lovely clear shot of this beautiful building.
borisalex09-Sep-2010 06:06
Nice comparison between old and new, love the street lamp and the light in this composition!
Mary Terry09-Sep-2010 04:40
This scene works well in black&white!
Cindi Smith09-Sep-2010 02:57
Love the difference in the old and new. Great composition and angle!
larose forest photos09-Sep-2010 02:50
Excellent B&W image. V
Guest 09-Sep-2010 02:27
Another excellent photo Marielou!!! Great exposure! V
carol j. phipps09-Sep-2010 01:35
Excellent point of view giving sharp lines, pleasing design; great b/w.
Lise De Serres09-Sep-2010 00:40
Excellent cadrage Marielou!!
Bill Ewart Jr09-Sep-2010 00:25
wide angle lens? superb!~
Barbara Heide08-Sep-2010 23:12
très belle profondeur!
Walter Otto Koenig08-Sep-2010 23:03
Great b&w image of this historic Restaurant. Very nice perspective and range of gray tones. I guess they mean the history of everything. :)