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Marielou Dhumez | all galleries >> Galleries >> cityscapes > Saint-Cloud fire players -23
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Saint-Cloud fire players -23

June2010 Challenge - "urban and landscapes"
see this link

Nikon D700
1s f/10.0 at 35.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Timothy Guenther29-Jun-2010 16:08
interesting shot
Jola Dziubinska27-Jun-2010 00:30
Interesting and impressive performance, well seen.
Mieke WA Minkjan25-Jun-2010 07:41
excellent, capturing the fire players over the public!
Doug Cruden25-Jun-2010 06:51
Excellent exposure, I like this!!
Guest 25-Jun-2010 01:25
Great feel to this.
Brenda24-Jun-2010 22:41
Great photo at this time of day!
J. Scott Coile24-Jun-2010 17:15
Amazing moody atmosphere. Very cool!
Walter Otto Koenig24-Jun-2010 16:17
Wow, what a great view of this large crowd enjoying this display.
Kerry Tingley24-Jun-2010 13:54
Interesting! A wonderful view of the action.
Cindi Smith24-Jun-2010 11:20
How cool! Hope it doesn't rain and put out the fire. Excellent!
Stephanie24-Jun-2010 10:29
It looks as though the crowd enjoyed the show!
franz24-Jun-2010 09:48
Rassemblement annuel " La Flamme Bleue"de la famille Pierre-à-feu. BV marielou!
lisamidi24-Jun-2010 09:04
Wonderful view and scenery! v