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Marielou Dhumez | all galleries >> Galleries >> cityscapes > Tïou- Tïou - 22
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Tïou- Tïou - 22

June2010 Challenge - "urban and landscapes"
see this link

Nikon D700
1/13s f/22.0 at 32.0mm full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Jola Dziubinska27-Jun-2010 00:31
Speed well captured.
Doug Cruden25-Jun-2010 06:44
Superb photo, Marielou!! The motion in the train is a real eye-catcher...
Brenda24-Jun-2010 22:43
Great photo of the area and the movement of this train! Love how you are drawn into it and want to quickly jump out of the way.
J. Scott Coile24-Jun-2010 17:19
Rapidscape :-)
Walter Otto Koenig24-Jun-2010 16:23
Cool perspective and nice motion blur. Great lighting too.
Stephanie24-Jun-2010 10:20
Just one word of advice fellow Pbasers ~ HOLD ON TO YOUR TRAIN TICKET1!! I was almost taken away by the police because I had thrown my ticket away; they were checking people at the Bercy station when people disembarked.
franz24-Jun-2010 09:45
Zoom Zoom. BV marielou
cambraniz24-Jun-2010 08:26
Mouvement très bien capté grâce à la faible vitesse d'obturation. V
Mieke WA Minkjan24-Jun-2010 07:25
excellent perspective and the train moving
borisalex24-Jun-2010 05:26
Great view and scene of commuting in a city!
Guest 24-Jun-2010 02:33
Love the motion in this.
Timothy Guenther24-Jun-2010 02:08
good motion shot!
Cindi Smith24-Jun-2010 01:35
That train is moving fast. Awesome perspective. I don't think I would want to live in one of those houses next to the track, though. Commuter train?
carol j. phipps24-Jun-2010 00:44
Brilliant perspective