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Marielou Dhumez | all galleries >> Galleries >> cityscapes > Paris-LaDéfense in the far and the railroad in the gardens -02
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Paris-LaDéfense in the far and the railroad in the gardens -02

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June2010 Challenge - "urban and landscapes"
see this link

I live in a lovely city near Paris and this is one of the view from it.
The train goes from la Défense to the West suburbs.

Nikon D700
1/13s f/22.0 at 35.0mm full exif

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lisamidi08-Jun-2010 19:28
Great view and capture with all the elements of urban landscape.
norbi07-Jun-2010 07:39
Excellent connection between "landscap" and "urban" scenery. .v norbi
Zoltán Balogh06-Jun-2010 20:04
What a superb capture! V
Jola Dziubinska03-Jun-2010 23:33
Perfect timing, wonderful urban shot. V.
Rosemarie Kusserow03-Jun-2010 16:00
Great image for this theme, I see landscape and Urbanscape in one picture, very nice motion on the train, Rosemarie :o) V
Cindi Smith03-Jun-2010 01:58
Wow! What a beautiful scene and I love that fast train!
Yvonne02-Jun-2010 11:43
Lucky commuters with such a pretty garden to look at instead of back yards! Superb shot.
Mieke WA Minkjan02-Jun-2010 07:42
a very nice urban shot: the community gardens, the train and the city in the background V
Kerry Tingley02-Jun-2010 04:03
Beautiful with the urban feel of the train!
Timothy Guenther02-Jun-2010 03:21
I'm so glad you included a train! Great cityscape!
Astrid Taen02-Jun-2010 02:46
Wonderful image.
Guest 02-Jun-2010 00:18
Great shot.
carol j. phipps01-Jun-2010 18:48
You were in just the right spot to capture the varieties in this Urban landscape ~ sky scrapers, housing, mass transportation, gardens.
J. Scott Coile01-Jun-2010 17:03
Rapid pass...
borisalex01-Jun-2010 16:21
Wonderful urban shot, love the feel of movement and the view to the city!
franz01-Jun-2010 15:43
RER: realy excellent release. BV marielou!
joseantonio01-Jun-2010 15:34
Great shot