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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Snow, Rain & Fog >> Let's just go walking in the rain > Café closed ( for rain???)
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26-FEB-2007 Marisa

Café closed ( for rain???)

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but part of a thematic gallery
dedicated to everyone likes a walk in the rain .

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Canon PowerShot S60
1/250s f/2.8 at 5.8mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
FrankB12-Dec-2007 00:18
very perceptive of Ann...I knew there was a reason this picture stopped me in my tracks!...V
Ann Cleeves02-Mar-2007 00:23
Coloured reflections...Amazing shot.
Peg O'Brien01-Mar-2007 13:53
The yellow coat is great here. So are the reflections in the wet pavement. Vote
QUERIDO01-Mar-2007 07:39
very nice shot,vote
Paco López01-Mar-2007 06:47
Very nice compo, Marisa!! Always rainning... ¡V!
Ken McColl01-Mar-2007 01:17
Oh bugger..what Id give for decent coffe here in BKK :-)) KMc
Guest 28-Feb-2007 21:37
Oh dear, no coffee for him, great shot..v