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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Little silly sunset song > 32
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15-OCT-2006 Marisa


Canon EOS 350D
1/100s f/6.3 at 85.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karen Moen18-Sep-2010 09:58
Eye-catching and dramatic composition. Well done. Voted.
Pawel27-Sep-2008 05:26
Funtastic! v
Guest 19-Jan-2008 01:51
très belle composition
Giancarlo Guzzardi20-Oct-2007 09:15
I like the symbol here
olivier bruning30-Nov-2006 08:44
an absolute stunner! V
12314-Nov-2006 07:44
Jim Ross25-Oct-2006 18:11
Great work, love the colour...
Antonis Sarantos25-Oct-2006 17:50
An image coming straight from Edgar Alan Poe.
QUERIDO25-Oct-2006 17:44
very nice shot
Marijka25-Oct-2006 17:20
bravo... another great soft creation!!
Bill Miller25-Oct-2006 15:41
Great colours, and very imaginative...
Debbie B.25-Oct-2006 15:19
WOW! You are very creative, I wish my brain worked that way.
Monte Dodge25-Oct-2006 15:11
Well Done,,,vote
Piotr Stankiewicz25-Oct-2006 14:30
Kal Khogali25-Oct-2006 14:26
Fantastic and quite forboding Marisa. This is a sunset with almost apocalyptic power. K
Guest 25-Oct-2006 13:17
Magnificent and surreal. Big vote!