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Marisa Livet | all galleries >> All My Galleries >> Don't..... > Don't abuse of cosmetic tanning devices....
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29-MAR-2009 Marisa

Don't abuse of cosmetic tanning devices....

You might get roasted!

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See, if you feel like, the other photos of this thematic gallery
dedicated to more or less serious interdictions.
Clicking on the wise little owl.

Canon PowerShot SD950 IS
1/160s f/2.8 at 7.7mm iso100 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
William Barletta03-Jan-2012 23:39
This is hilariously irreverant
Andy Jones29-Dec-2009 22:05
:-)) A lot of effort has gone into your layout of your pages...well worth the effort

waterfalls man23-Sep-2009 01:24
Nice Capture V
Máire Uí Mhaicín16-Aug-2009 18:01
Well observed, well commented!
Jean-Rene A14-Jul-2009 14:27
Et pourtant bientôt les plages ... Dur de resister.
shatterbug22-Apr-2009 07:21
LMAO, this is hilarious Marisa :-))))))))
Steve Mockford21-Apr-2009 17:28
Thanks for the smile Marisa.
Steve Sharp21-Apr-2009 17:07
There is indeed something of a feeling of a barbecue roast when you see people baring all in suntan salons! Mind you, these chickens look gorgeous - probably the one thing that is preventing me from going vegetarian!
Guest 21-Apr-2009 16:55
Wonderful and unique image with lovely color Marisa! V
María Cano21-Apr-2009 15:47
Me has hecho reir .. jeje. Muy buena y muy adecuada .. -V-