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Marcio Cabral | all galleries >> Galleries >> -PATAGONIA- "La Indomable" > Chorrillo del Salto
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Chorrillo del Salto

Canon EOS 5D Mark II
1/3s f/13.0 at 23.0mm iso50 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
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Milan Vogrin16-Aug-2011 13:29
Great image!V!
Dante Dimarucot24-Jul-2011 14:35
Great comp! Love how the water flows towards the corner of the frame.
Bartosz Kotulski19-Jul-2011 09:16
wow. what a composition. one of the most beautiful landscapes ever. a wall hanger.big big v Marcio
Guest 19-Jul-2011 08:05
a wonderful work.