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Marc Demoulin | all galleries >> Galleries >> Triptychs > Buick Century 1958
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Buick Century 1958

On this one, I must admit that I am under a strong influence of Alberto Martinez.
I bought "Amazing American Automobiles" almost 30 years ago and it has always been
one of my favorite bedside books and likely one of the reasons why I'm so fond
of cars and cars photography. My tribute to him. Original pictures are in
"I love old cars" and "Pieces of Paris 2009" galleries.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
pascal29-Jul-2009 19:20
Magnifique, une fois encore !
shatterbug24-Feb-2009 06:13
Nice tribute, and a great the colors!
Pedro Libório23-Feb-2009 16:12
my vote,
stunning machine...stunning photo work!!!
Paul L-R10-Feb-2009 00:51
The perfect subject for a triptych and beautifully captured. V
Alain Boussac07-Feb-2009 15:19
Magnifiques angles de prise de vue, images avec un fort impact visuel, et bel hommage à Alberto Martinez ! BV.
Marcia Rules07-Feb-2009 13:16
just gorgeous images Marc...v
Guest 07-Feb-2009 12:35
I like your pics of Automobiles also! : )
Raphael_E07-Feb-2009 09:25
Absoluement magnifique, Marc et un bel hommage rendu !! BV.
Guest 07-Feb-2009 08:24
très bon triptyque !!
Guest 07-Feb-2009 04:01
silvia marmori07-Feb-2009 02:07
just superb.. mighty all three,from those angles
Nick Arena06-Feb-2009 23:23
Beautifully photographed and presented Marc..a wonderful tribute..V
Nancy Good06-Feb-2009 20:49
Fantastic, Marc!! Obviously a great man to be inspired by!
Craig Persel06-Feb-2009 20:33
Gerard Koehl06-Feb-2009 20:31
Ah oui... magnifique. Les angles de vue sont bien choisis et les contrastes de couleurs sont superbes. V
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