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More Realistic Programmed Capacity

If you are testing your batteries yearly or bi-yearly the programmed capacity will look more like this...

WARNING: Do not duplicate the decline in this graph, it is for illustrative purposes only!

"So RC how can I program a decline without doing a capacity test?"

How do you predict the stock market?? The honest answer is, I don't know. I don't know because I don't know how you treat, use or charge your batteries.

I have seen some boat owners ruin 6V golf cart batteries in 1 year while others get 12 years. Sadly I can't predict that..

Honestly if I could predict the rate of decline for marine batteries on everyone's boats I would not be sitting here typing this right now. I'd be putting buy orders on the stocks that would rise on Monday.

Having said that, programming in even a hip-shoot decline each year will result in longer battery life than no programmed decline at all. Will it be accurate? Not at all, but your batteries will be cycled less deeply as they age and as a result should last longer than no programmed decline at all.

Bottom line is that you really need to have some decline programed in to even remain in the ball-park, but no one can predict that.

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