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Starter Lug vs. Power Lug

Starter and power lugs are VERY different. The heavy duty lug on the right is significantly more robust and has a much thicker copper wall. There is no flare at the end of a proper lug because they can actually bevel the edge. Due to heavy duty lugs thickness it does not need an external flare like the less expensive & less robust starter lugs do.

Even without measuring these lugs one can visibly see that there is no way to apply a "one size fits all" die to both of them. Tools that do not list the proper die selection for both starter lugs and heavy duty lugs should be avoided.

Nikon D40
1/125s f/8.0 at 52.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large auto
robert 26-Aug-2015 13:27
any suggestions or experience with replacing battery terminal ends? I'm restoring an old dodge cummins combination and the battery terminal ends have been hacked. I'd like to return them to adequate circuits with no potential voltage drops. How bout splice crimps with the same tool you promote, or terminal ends with crimp ends?