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22-FEB-2015 LynnH

Lion Dance

Stafford, Texas

Chinese New Year is the main Chinese festival of the year.
As the Chinese use the Lunar calendar for their festivals the date of Chinese New Year changes from year to year.
The date corresponds to the new moon (black moon) in either late January or February.
Traditionally celebrations last for fifteen days, ending on the date of the full moon.
Street celebrations often include a traditional Lion Dance which is thought to bring good luck.

The Lion Dancers need to be very agile and fit as they perform a lot of acrobatic moves.
One holds the head and the other the body of the Lion. It is typical for the Lion Troupes to be part of martial art schools.
They play out during street celebrations to the sound of drums, gongs and cymbals.
The parading Lions run along the streets to bring goodwill and luck to everyone they meet. They visit stores, restaurants and businesses.

The Lion Troupes are usually accompanied by the Laughing Buddha. He/she wears a mask and a robe.
The Laughing Buddha teases the lion with a fan to make him jump, roll around, lie down, etc.
As they wind down the streets, people along the way will "feed "hong paos" (red envelopes) with money inside to the Lion.

This will bring good luck and fortune, and is considered a donation for the martial arts school setting up the performance.

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Julie Oldfield21-Jan-2016 03:36
Fantastic color. It looks very fun! V
Jeff Real15-Jan-2016 00:45
Wow! What a spectacular moment ~V~
Allan Jay14-Jan-2016 19:23
Excellent colourful scene, Lynn!
laine14-Jan-2016 17:43
Always so colourful...a great street scene,Lynn
Stephanie14-Jan-2016 17:33
Charming capture Lynn! :)
hamery14-Jan-2016 15:27
Beautiful and u have captured the mood here, Lynn. V
larose forest photos14-Jan-2016 15:06
THe commentary is fascinating and I love this photo. V
Jim Coffman14-Jan-2016 14:53
Looks like this celebration would hold many photo ops! Nice capture, Lynn!