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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> PHOTO A DAY ~ 2012 > JULY 18
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Sugar Land, TX

Play Time

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Carl Carbone10-Oct-2012 02:07
Neat idea! He does look like O'Malley.
Mairéad21-Jul-2012 21:40
Ha ha! Finn the action hero!
Irene Wehrli21-Jul-2012 09:21
Uhhhuhhh zap, pow, bam - funny kitty, great motion work Lynn, love this collage very much!
Guest 20-Jul-2012 22:55
Excellent! V.
Karen Stuebing20-Jul-2012 22:10
Fantastic and fun composite. Love the motion of this wound up kitty and the cartoon captions are perfect. V.
Guest 20-Jul-2012 17:20
Love the sense of movement you have captured,Lynn! :>))
Walter Otto Koenig20-Jul-2012 14:23
Cool images of Finn in action. I like the poses and motion blur, and in particular the photo of him in mid-air. "V"
Mike H.20-Jul-2012 14:00
Clever and very cute!!
larose forest photos20-Jul-2012 13:39
Supercat in action! I love this collage!!!! Finn is one busy and active little cat!! VV
Stephanie20-Jul-2012 13:13
LOL ~ Cute collage of Finn! V :)
RC20-Jul-2012 13:11
Wonderfully clever shot!