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LynnH | all galleries >> Galleries >> PHOTO A DAY ~ 2012 > JULY 17
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17-JUL-2012 LynnH


Sugar Land, TX

The Monks were chattering in the park today.
I was on my way to lunch when I spotted one of them, way up in the top of a live-oak.
As you can see, we had a nice blue sky today! Finally, a day without rain. Yesterday afternoon, we got 3 more inches.

Sony DSLR-A700 ,Sigma 18-250 F3.5-6.3 DS OS HSM
1/500s f/9.0 at 150.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Karen Stuebing18-Jul-2012 21:37
Great catch. Love the composition showing him at the top of the tree. V.
Frank Brault18-Jul-2012 17:51
Beautiful! V
Walter Otto Koenig18-Jul-2012 15:53
Nice catch of this green guy checking out the scene below. Well spotted Lynn.
Mike H.18-Jul-2012 12:17
Nice shot of this parakeet friend --
you live in a wonderful place
to have those!
Margaret Sloan18-Jul-2012 11:42
Good to see them out and about! Nice capture!
Stephanie18-Jul-2012 10:30
How adorable! V
Please send your rain in my direction! :)
Irene Wehrli18-Jul-2012 08:53
Glad you have a blue sky - so as we have today too...
Nice, the monk on the top with super overview!
Guest 18-Jul-2012 01:51
Beautiful shot. V.