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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> bw_figure_studies___partial_nudity__ >
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jack 15-Apr-2009 13:47
Id love to shag you
redjohnson02-Nov-2008 07:09
anytime6423-Apr-2008 18:09
made for loving
Guest 02-Dec-2006 12:29
Oh you sexy thing
Guest 22-Mar-2004 02:52
Lydia, no one performs the bend over manuever quite as well as you! You are the stuff that wet dreams are made of. Well Done!!!
Guest 28-Oct-2003 06:02
Another beautiful and erotic shot. The best yet
bill 27-Oct-2003 11:53
lydia you've done it again you took my breath away.I love to see your hot body.