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Lydia Sanderson | all galleries >> Galleries >> bw_figure_studies___partial_nudity__ >
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Guest 06-Mar-2014 23:51
Oh where art thou now?
Guest 01-Feb-2007 01:32
Gorgeous pussy and stockings!!! Great shot.
Richard 14-Nov-2003 21:33
Diane hit it right on the head. I'll bet she's something over 30 too, and has seen a thousand nude depictions of late-teens to early 20s. Now, with you courage, you have shown all of us that adding a bit of middle-age flesh to a sexy body still leaves you with a sexy body. Your site is certainly more erotic than some of the more explisive stuff available. Keep up the good work Lydia. And Diane, now that you have the confidence, when and where can we see you?


Diane 23-May-2003 15:28
A beautifully shot image. I need this kind of confidence ! Thanks for sharing, Diane
Guest 19-May-2003 04:07
I have to tell you that when I laid my eyes on this one of you, I had to get rid of a load - HONEST!!!! You are a sex kitten of the highest order and please, please, please keep these hot pics of you coming. You've got class - it really shows.

