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Lisboa Stu

Aí, caramba! Não me acredito!

16 de Novembro de 2004

Honestly. You just couldn't make it up, it's so ridiculous. Apparently, a new law has just been issued in Portugal that states that, from 1 January 2005, anyone who wishes to use a public swimming pool must provide the ticket clerk with a medical certificate, signed by a doctor, confirming that they have no communicable diseases, and that they are not about to shuffle off this mortal coil. It is not clear if this certificate is only needed once, or if people are expected to make a doctor's appointment every time they feel like doing a few lengths - just in case they might have the Lurgy without knowing it. What the already overstretched medical services think of this new duty is not known, although the people who rely on the public health service ought to start making appointments now, because it will be spring by the time they get to see a doctor. It seems all the more ridiculous when you consider that today Charles told me that while he was having his daily swim, the 'lifeguard' was sitting on the edge of the pool, with her feet dangling in the water, whilst playing around with a CD player that was plugged into the mains! Perhaps they should ask swimming pool staff to provide a doctor's certificate confirming that they have more than just mince and chewing-gum in the space between their ears! This piece of ill-thought out bureaucracy is going to cause me problems - for I don't have a Portuguese doctor, and I can just picture my overstretched GP's face when I ask him to give me a certificate that will enable me to use Portuguese public swimming pools, and I'm damn sure that I'm not going to pay the British Embassy 50 euros to have the certificate translated and notarised just so I can prove to someone, who is willing to fool about with mains powered electrical appliances at the side of a swimming pool, that I am not a public health risk. Still, this provided me with some light relief from the tedious article that I have to translate!

FujiFilm FinePix S7000Z
1/640s f/4.0 at 46.8mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Pepe Zyman17-Nov-2004 22:27
Lovely image!
Are you talking about California? :^)
Cheryl Hawkins17-Nov-2004 22:27
The world's gone insane. I recently heard of a nine-year-old girl being suspended from school because she turned cartwheels on the lawn. Those in charge were afraid she'd hurt herself. CRAZY!
Dominic Kite17-Nov-2004 09:04
There's a sign up on the wall at the swimming pool we use for diving, which as it's still early in the morning & I'm still to eat I'm not going to elaborate on, but pretty much says the same thing!
Guest 17-Nov-2004 06:10
This is great!
Jude Marion17-Nov-2004 05:36
Well, perhaps this dilema well be alleviated when all the life gaurds fry their pea brains by swimming while litening to music! TOO MUCH!
Beautiful image!
Karen Leaf17-Nov-2004 03:51
I've just bumped into Carmen, while we both we ROTF. If it weren't so inane it wouldn't be believeable.
I love this picture!
Leo Charette17-Nov-2004 02:01
LOL, Stu you always find the most interesting things. I wonder if you have to prove that your swim trunks have been newly washed. Goodness knows what contaminant they might be caring from another pool. Beautiful bridge and lighting.
Guest 17-Nov-2004 01:42
Nice shot and beautiful sky. :)
Larry Ahern17-Nov-2004 01:33
Curiouser and curiouser as Alice would say :)
Elaine (etfitz)17-Nov-2004 00:33
It's an interesting world we live in- Great photo! Wonderful colors!
Carmen16-Nov-2004 23:47
Excuse me whilst I pick myself up from the floor -- rolling around, laughing out loud. Goodness. I think that's the first I've smiled in precisely two weeks... Sorry for your predicament, but finally! something (albiet minicscule in comparison) as ridiculous as ours. Lovely photo by the way; they sure must have big pools in Portugal.
(BTW. Don't they use bleach?)
jude16-Nov-2004 23:37
Mince and gum between their ears... priceless
Beautiful view of this bridge.. love the subtle sunset going on in the background
Robin Reid16-Nov-2004 23:23
Clearly a law that is all wet! Lovely image Stu.
Guest 16-Nov-2004 23:15
Wonderful image Stewart, typical government tosh!!
northstar3716-Nov-2004 22:47
Just get a certificate from the internet ;-)
Guest 16-Nov-2004 22:25
The world's going mad! Great image though :)
Gayle P. Clement16-Nov-2004 22:21
Beautiful photo.
Guest 16-Nov-2004 21:59
Não é possivel uma lei dessas Stewart! Isso deve ser uma brincadeira!! Mas se fosse verdade seriamos comos os cães que teem que ser vacinados contra a raiva! Eu penso que eles apanharam muito sol na cabeça este verão e os miolos deixaram de funcionar! Diz-me o Salazar não ressuscitou pois não.
I love this view of the 25 Abril bridge.
laine8216-Nov-2004 21:51
I love a good laugh first off in the morning...thanks Stu. Your image today is fantastic.
Pedro Libório16-Nov-2004 21:50
storys from Portugal...we are fantastic in creating stupid laws!!!!
beautitul photo Stewart!!!
Guest 16-Nov-2004 21:44
Great story, and great colour!
Zak16-Nov-2004 21:40
Yikes! Has Bush been elected there too!!?? :-o

Nice pic!