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James Lundy | all galleries >> photoaday >> PAD 2008 > Really it was 219.0 Pounds
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Really it was 219.0 Pounds

Cause the 5D and 24-70 2.8 lens together adds 4 pounds.

Honest I tested it twice with and without the camera.

So here it is my starting point, for the world to see. Just remember folks it's not about the numbers, really it isnt. It's about being physically fit and healthy. The scale is just a reference and being "lite" dosen't mean your healthy.

Today's workout. Stretching, then Treadmill (5 minutes brisk walk, 1 mile continous jog (12 min mile pace) then walking till I got bored 2.26 miles total.

Year total running 1 mile.

Maybe I should start a workout MAD (Mile-A-Day) as a workout challenge. At the end of the year that would be 365 mile more than I did last year running.

Canon EOS 5D ,Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM
1/30s f/2.8 at 70.0mm iso1600 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Colin Clarke04-Jan-2008 17:32
Good start!
(I get it that the Camera/Lens is 4 pounds - which is one heavy little sucker.)
Richard Vance04-Jan-2008 11:43
"Really it was 219.0 Pounds" Sure looks like 223 to me, James. ;) I commend you on your venture and wish you much success and good health.
Best regards,
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