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Deems Burton | all galleries >> The High Sierra, John Muir's Range of Light >> The John Muir Shelter at 11,955 feet in Kings Canyon National Park > Roof rock work inside the Muir Shelter
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Roof rock work inside the Muir Shelter

Circles in the rock, and the circles in my life.... I took this same photo in 1994, and am always amazed at the beauty in this simple rock structure on the pass. I've been here twice, and hopefully will be here again.

Canon PowerShot A70
1/60s f/2.8 at 5.4mm with Flash full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Glenn Dean (Vatorman)23-Jan-2008 02:17
Very neat indeed. I would never of guessed a roof. Thanks for sharing this and the next image of the outside.
Monte Dodge07-Feb-2006 16:26
Great job.. voted . I have never seen anyone take this photo.
zahadum 31-Jan-2006 17:35
Very interesting and unique. I've probably seen several hundred photos of Muir hut over the years, and this is the first time I've seen one from this angle/aspect.
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