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May 24, 2011 Rae


Machias Seal Island, Gulf of Maine

Migration drop-out during the early morning hours of May 24,2011.
Composed mostly of warblers, this typical migrant night flight also included other species.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II ,Canon EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 L IS USM
Canon Speedlite 580EX flash @ high speed sync. full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Mitch Siemens 02-Jun-2011 22:29
Unbelieveable! How awesome is this! Thanks Brad for sharing these photos! What a place to study warblers! Wish I was there.

Mitch Siemens
Guest 02-Jun-2011 21:48
Amazing photos! Thanks for posting. These colorful birds have brought joy to me and another birder friend.
Guest 28-May-2011 03:09
oh my goodness!! what a shot!

linked from Jerry :)
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