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Lieve Snellings | profile | all galleries >> for Peace and Justice >> 16th Global Conference of Women in Black in Bangalore, India, 2015 >> 03 - World Court of Women Against war, For Peace >> 04 - Opening Session tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

04 - Opening Session

Senzeni Na? What Have We Done?

Women in Black international: Ana Valdes (Uruguay)
Women in Black Bangalore: Aacha Ramesh
Vimochana: Donna Fernandes
Mount Carmel College: Namratha

Introducing of Jury members: Kalpana Chakravarthy

Lighting of the Diyas (lamps): Mamta Sagar

Opening Ballad: Memories are Lamps in the Darkness

Re-imagining Justice: The Court of Women: Corinne Kumar

DSC_8664 Ana Valdes from WiB Uruguay
DSC_8664 Ana Valdes from WiB Uruguay
DSC_8665 Acha Ramesh
DSC_8665 Acha Ramesh
DSC_8668 Donna Fernandes
DSC_8668 Donna Fernandes
DSC_8673 Namratha
DSC_8673 Namratha
DSC_8675 Namratha
DSC_8675 Namratha
DSC_8677 Kalpana Chakravarthy
DSC_8677 Kalpana Chakravarthy
DSC_8678 Kalpana Chakravarthy
DSC_8678 Kalpana Chakravarthy
DSC_8679 Kalpana Chakravarthy
DSC_8679 Kalpana Chakravarthy
DSC_8681 Luisa Morgantini ad Mamta
DSC_8681 Luisa Morgantini ad Mamta
DSC_8684 Luisa Morgantini
DSC_8684 Luisa Morgantini
DSC_8687 Mamta and Elahe Amani
DSC_8687 Mamta and Elahe Amani
DSC_8689 Kalpana and Elahe Amani
DSC_8689 Kalpana and Elahe Amani
DSC_8692 Mamta and Rebecca Johnson
DSC_8692 Mamta and Rebecca Johnson
DSC_8693 Mamta and Rebecca Johnson
DSC_8693 Mamta and Rebecca Johnson
DSC_8695 Rebecca Johnson
DSC_8695 Rebecca Johnson
DSC_8700 Kamla Bashin
DSC_8700 Kamla Bashin
DSC_8704 Kamla Bashin
DSC_8704 Kamla Bashin
DSC_8706 Mamta and Lisa Suhair Majaj
DSC_8706 Mamta and Lisa Suhair Majaj
DSC_8709 Lisa Suhair Majaj
DSC_8709 Lisa Suhair Majaj
DSC_8710 Lisa Suhair Majaj
DSC_8710 Lisa Suhair Majaj
DSC_8714 Mamta and Marguerite Waller
DSC_8714 Mamta and Marguerite Waller
DSC_8715 Marguerite Waller
DSC_8715 Marguerite Waller
DSC_8721 Mamta and Ritu Dewan
DSC_8721 Mamta and Ritu Dewan
DSC_8724 Ritu Dewan
DSC_8724 Ritu Dewan
DSC_8727 Mamta and Rose Dzuvichu
DSC_8727 Mamta and Rose Dzuvichu
DSC_8731 Kalpana and Rose Dzuvichu
DSC_8731 Kalpana and Rose Dzuvichu
DSC_8734 Mamta Sagar
DSC_8734 Mamta Sagar
DSC_8735 Mamta Sagar
DSC_8735 Mamta Sagar
DSC_8738 Mamta Sagar
DSC_8738 Mamta Sagar
DSC_8744 Corinne Kumar
DSC_8744 Corinne Kumar
DSC_8747 Corinne Kumar
DSC_8747 Corinne Kumar
DSC_8753 Corinne Kumar
DSC_8753 Corinne Kumar