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Knitted Bag

Bag knitted in the round from Coats&Clark nylon cord using pattern stitches from the Red Sweater. You can see the main knotted cable pattern with 1 rope and 2 twisted cables on each side, then Trinity stitch for the sides. Stiffened with plastic needlepoint canvas, and lined with cotton twill. Handles are applied I-cord. Dimensions are 8.5" high x 10.75" wide x 4.5" deep. Finished May 18, 2003, although I finished the knitting almost 2 years earlier. It took me a while to figure out how to stiffen and finish it.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Liana03-Nov-2008 19:56
Thank you for the compliments! As I noted in the caption, there is no pattern for this bag, per se. I just used stitch patterns from The Red Sweater (in this gallery) and made a piece in the round, attached it to a plastic needlepoint canvas rectangle and put a bottom in it. Very simple, really.
Celebrian 31-Oct-2008 20:25
This bag looks amazing. Where'd you get the pattern for it?
Dina Caivano 28-Mar-2007 23:28
First I want to say that I enjoyed looking at your work. I'm amazed at your talent both in sewing and knitting. I love this bag and would love to get the pattern for it. Can you send it or tell me where I can get it? Thank you. You are an inspiration.