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South Africa Tour - Johannesburg to Cape Town 2012

Pictures from our motor coach tour through South Africa and Swaziland, including a visit to
the Lion Park near Johannesburg. Safari pictures are in a separate gallery.
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Sleepy Lion Cub
Sleepy Lion Cub
Yawning Lion Cub
Yawning Lion Cub
Her Highness
Her Highness
Shops - Pilgrim's Rest
Shops - Pilgrim's Rest
Lunch Stop
Lunch Stop
Rustic Chair
Rustic Chair
Dutch Reformed Church
Dutch Reformed Church
Resort Area dedicated to Trout Fishing
Resort Area dedicated to Trout Fishing
Petrol Port
Petrol Port
Coal Train
Coal Train
Well managed forest areas
Well managed forest areas
Vista from God's Window
Vista from God's Window
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