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Around California


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g1/62/14362/3/109933029.MwZa2hpf.jpg Squaw Valley, 2005
Squaw Valley, 2005
Squaw Valley, 2005
Squaw Valley, 2005
Squaw Valley, 2005
Squaw Valley, 2005
High Rise- San Mateo Bridge
High Rise- San Mateo Bridge
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Between Storms
Between Storms's all about the ride....'s all about the ride....
Lands End, San Francisco, Ca
Lands End, San Francisco, Ca
8200', Squaw Valley, CA
8200', Squaw Valley, CA
Street Shot...Literally
Street Shot...Literally
Eat At Joe's
Eat At Joe's
Cosumnes River Preserve
Cosumnes River Preserve
160 Years Old
160 Years Old
Framed & Feathered
Framed & Feathered