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larose forest photos | all galleries >> Reveler Conservation Area (23 Galleries) >> Birds of Reveler Conservation Area > Yellow-bellied sapsucker, female
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23-APR-2018 Christine Hanrahan

Yellow-bellied sapsucker, female

Reveler Conservation Area

Panasonic DMC-FZ2000
1/400s f/5.0 at 176.0mm iso125 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Jean D25-Apr-2018 23:11
A fine capture. ~V
globalgadabout24-Apr-2018 22:39
a good catch...they have such an impressive name..
Carl Carbone24-Apr-2018 21:29
Nice capture. One of my favorite birds.
Helen Betts24-Apr-2018 20:50
Such a pretty woodpecker in great color. V.
Ray :)24-Apr-2018 20:09
Such birds are so often so tricky to photograph. I'm still trying hard for a good one of a Great Spotted Woodpecker over here!
Jim Coffman24-Apr-2018 20:06
Nice capture of this little beauty!
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