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Daytona Bike Week - March 2005

What a perfect day (March 5) to start off Daytona Bike Week! The chapter met at the 7/11, and I led 15 bikes over to the Daytona Speedway. Thanks Moose, Rocky and Scott for your tailgunning/road guarding! You were awesome in helping me get us over there safely! Once at the speedway, everyone pretty much went off on their much to do and see!

Rocky, Moose, George, Sandy and I spent time on Beech St, Main St, and took in the night life along the Corbin fence! We had a helluva time!

Arrived back home 18hours later...tired and with sore feet! It was a cool 2+ hour ride home blasting across I-4 to Lakeland, but Sandy still managed to catch some ZZZZ's. LOL! Geez, it never ceases to amaze me how she can doze off on the back of a bike at 80mph!

Looking forward to return trips to Daytona next week!

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