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Jess. ( Lady.D.) | all galleries >> Galleries >> Lagniappe 2012 Travels > Spirit Island
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Spirit Island

Spirit Island - Maligne Lake - Jasper National Park
Just when you think you have seen the best you step off a boat, walk a short trail and find this.

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goelsamuel16-Sep-2012 18:12
Quite a masterpiece! V!
Sundevil313-Sep-2012 14:17
Wonderful view!
Shayne12-Sep-2012 02:05
Guest 10-Sep-2012 17:22
Great POV and the colours are wonderfull
s_barbour09-Sep-2012 12:01
Such a picturesque shot Jess, could easily be a post card! Lovely. V
Guest 09-Sep-2012 08:35
Spectacular work!
Giancarlo Guzzardi09-Sep-2012 06:48
a great beautiful frame
shatterbug09-Sep-2012 05:49
Idyllic view...just gorgeous!
Cindi Smith09-Sep-2012 03:19
Outstanding work. Superb, superb composition, colors, detail. Looks HDR. Beautiful work!
bill friedlander09-Sep-2012 01:48
A grand sweeping view of this breathtaking scene. Beautifully captured in all its glory! V
globalgadabout09-Sep-2012 01:37
deluxe, inspirational view..the scenery is awesome, and you have caught the moment too..the range of green hues here is remarkable...V
joanteno08-Sep-2012 22:59
Mark Chambers ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE308-Sep-2012 18:41
Cracking shot and what a great view. V
Bill Miller08-Sep-2012 18:29
That view is worth a long walk, let alone a short one. Wonderful scenery.
Gary Hebert08-Sep-2012 18:27
Spectacular scenery Jess...
Janet Forjan-Freedman08-Sep-2012 16:36
A majestic landscape that you captured perfectly. Excellent quality, sharpness, depth and framing.
Jim Coffman08-Sep-2012 16:20
OMG!! This is the ultimate!!!
Rick Bricker08-Sep-2012 16:19
You've captured the beauty of this alluring spot oh so well.V
Peter Stahl08-Sep-2012 16:10
Outstanding. Print it big!!! :-)
Jean D08-Sep-2012 16:07
WOW! Terrific and breathtaking scenery, Jess! A winning image. ~V
Margot W08-Sep-2012 16:06
Lovely view of this frequently visited stopping place. I particularly like the close up of the tree trunk on the right. No much change in two years. Still as beautiful as ever.