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Kuriacose Joseph | profile | all galleries >> Other Pictures from 2005 >> Visitors from India and others - 2005 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Visitors from India and others - 2005

He went thataway!
He went thataway!
Mother and daughter
Mother and daughter
Piano art
Piano art
Piano room art
Piano room art
Birthday surprise!
Birthday surprise!
Home-made birthday card
Home-made birthday card
Something amusing
Something amusing
Spring-time in the Shenendoahs
Spring-time in the Shenendoahs
Inside Luray Caverns
Inside Luray Caverns
One for the record
One for the record
Lighting within Luray Carverns
Lighting within Luray Carverns
A happy group
A happy group
A cold damp day on the Stony Man trail
A cold damp day on the Stony Man trail
Did you really have to take a picture?
Did you really have to take a picture?
Cold hands
Cold hands
The Shenendoah mountains
The Shenendoah mountains
Family gets on trail
Family gets on trail
Potomac and Shenandoah
Potomac and Shenandoah
Ice Cream on High Street
Ice Cream on High Street
The three Amigos
The three Amigos
A good conversation
A good conversation
At Harpers Ferry
At Harpers Ferry
The Shenandoah
The Shenandoah
That was fun, was it not!
That was fun, was it not!
Lock 33 on the canal
Lock 33 on the canal
Runner on towpath
Runner on towpath
Basilica Entrance
Basilica Entrance
In a playful mood
In a playful mood
Entering Billy Goat trail, Section B
Entering Billy Goat trail, Section B
Amigos on trail
Amigos on trail
A rock conquered
A rock conquered
By the waters
By the waters
Crossing a creek
Crossing a creek
The turtle sighted
The turtle sighted
Extreme closeup!
Extreme closeup!