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15-JUN-2006 Karl R. Josker

Emerson Vocational High School

1405 Sycamore Ave. Buffalo

Canon EOS 20D ,Canon EF 17-40mm f/4L USM
1/200s f/9.0 at 28.0mm iso800 full exif

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Dayeenah Prim 01-Jun-2016 18:12
found a old Emerson song in the 1943 Emersonian, "The new school song" anyone familiar with this song please help.
marcusmorgan27-Mar-2015 19:36
My daughter has a really good voice and loves to sing. She has been asking if she can go to a vocational school. So I am researching and looking at different schools to see which one would be best for her. This school looks really nice.
jim h 31-Mar-2014 23:23
graduated in 1969-fond memories-played football with coach white and asst coach service was my shop but ended up being a prison guard for the state and ended my career as a warden, but I still love to cook.still keep in touch with one of our classmates but lost touch with the rest of the classmates
Dave 22-Nov-2012 07:23
To the Graduating Classes of Emerson Voc. H.S

What we have experienced here is a life change for each and everyone of us. We all have had our share of great teachers that have set the standards in our life, That have guided us into the direction that gave us all a better glance as to what or where we were heading for in our future after Emerson High School.
I to miss the various teachers but I miss my fellow classmates, Strangers that we grew up with for 3 or 4 years of our life and for some have kept that friendship alive through the modern means of technogly.
The internet. Life has steered us all into different directions but what it all boils down to is the fact that we are all Emerson Eagles.
Class of 1967 - Dave Powers.
reichkelly22-Jul-2012 03:38
Guest Tim H. I graduated class of 1969 and remember asst Principal Mr Robert Fritzinger. My fondest memories are of my study hall with Mr. Leone-a great guy! He and Mr. Sedita ran the science classes. Shop teachers were Mr Weimer and Mr. Angelo Pefanis; and if not for Mr Hruby in the math dept. I wouldn't have graduated.
reichkelly22-Jul-2012 03:13
I graduated from Emerson in 1969. My food science teacher was Sal Sedita and I remember his class vividly.I also had a study hall with Mr. Leone. These two along with Math teacher Mr Hruby, and shop teachers Jim Weimer and Mr Angelo Pefanis are my fondest memories. I managed baseball and football for Mr Don Szen. This is a great site!!
Steve 15-Mar-2012 22:21
My father attended the Emerson high school when it was on Pecham street north of Fillmore. They walked the entire student body with teachers to the new location, so everyone would know their way. In 1961 my home room was in the science room with Mr. Burnett(?), his last year before retiring, my father had him as well. Today Emerson has been reborn and on its third life cycle. My best memories: City BB title game in 1965?, buying fresh baked bread at end of school day and scoring tying run on senior baseball of Machine Shop vs. Weld Shop.
Steve 12-Feb-2012 05:20
Had 4 good years 61-65..
was there ever a reunion ??
Is there one planned ?? would like to know
Guest 09-Jun-2011 14:47
connect with renee marzec for 1766, 35 yr reunion
Ang Corbi 14-Feb-2011 16:47
Look for Ang Corbi on Face book. We are tring to get a reunion together
George 18-Aug-2010 14:09
Graduated in '75. Just moved back to Buffalo after 25 years in Michigan. I learned sign painting at Emerson from Mr.Zimmer. Never used it after I graduated but I can probably still make a decent, professional looking sign. Great, great time there.
reading Troll 21-Dec-2009 01:16
The school is now being converted into an elementary school (2009) 7 years after it closed as a vocational school and was redesigned inside to be a grade 7-8 school (a dismal failure). Looks the same outside, completely different inside. The Culinary school moved downtown to Chippewa street where students operate a restaurant (open to the public for breakfast and lunch). Its a shame that a place like this where kids could learn a valuable skill is gone to Regents exams and short sighted superintendents and boards of education.
James Coleman 28-Nov-2009 21:45
The photo brought back many memories of my time there, class of '64'. I was in the Machine Shop. Guidance Counselor Mr. Sugerman was right, I could have saved myself several years, Now I am new-media artist living in Massachusetts.
Guest 10-Jul-2009 20:15

Pete S. 01-Jun-2009 04:25
It was great coming across this pic and site! I graduated Class of 1969...Emerson was always great...even with a few fights along the way. In my time we went thru 2 -3 votech programs...I did painting with Mr. Parks and upolstery with Mr. Andre. I had great teachers overall. Mr. May was the principal and Mr. Fitzinger was the Asst Principal. Great times for sure! I never did make it a life work with the trades I learned there..but I sure did use the skills in my own house. In the end...I went on and became a psychologist and have resided in FL for over 20 years now. Peace to ya'll!!
Kevin B 31-Mar-2009 04:00
It's great to see this photo I'm from the Class of '79 I was in the woodworking and Cabinet making program with Henry "Mr.Jak" Jakobowicz. A great guy. I forgot about the gargoyles over the main doors ahhhhhhhhhhh the memories. I still love to work with wood and I have even worked in custom cabinet shops. Jak said measure twice,cut once.
Guest. 04-Nov-2007 20:37
This school has re-located to Chippawa